Most business owners have the same complaint when it comes to SEO marketing; it’s too overdone and you should put a lot of efforts to really stand out and make an impact. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be the same thing for you, especially if you use the right B2B SEO marketing tactics.

In fact, there’s never been a better time to use SEO marketing than now, because when you put out good content you’ll be able to see the returns for months or even years to come.

Sure, you might opt for paid search, but in general, seven out of ten people opt to click on organic listings than the paid ones.

There’s no better traffic than organic traffic because that’s the kind of traffic that’s going to stick around and grow into a loyal customer base over time. The best way to accumulate organic traffic is to constantly put out good quality content so that you can draw more links and get a higher ranking for your site, thanks to the use of smart keywords.

The truth is that if you’re a B2B company, then SEO marketing is undoubtedly the most workable audience building tool that you have access to and it has been proven time and again as the best method to use when you want to attract leads and sales through organic audience growth. Plus, research shows that the majority of B2B companies always perform a generic search as the starting point of their buying process.

Now with all that said, your SEO efforts need to be backed by quantifiable resources, such as:

  • Constant production of really good content.
  • Building links
  • Doing outreach

Needless to say, you’ll have to invest a lot of time and human resources in order to reap the rewards of SEO marketing, not to mention having to allocate a separate budget. And the more resources you have to pump into SEO, the better your results will be, and it’ll definitely give you an edge over smaller competitors.

However, if there’s one thing you cannot skimp on is quality, and that takes time. But in the end, it’ll all be worth it because people gravitate more towards research-backed, long-form content than they do to short rewrites that look as hastily put together as they are.

The best way to produce unique content while keeping the resource requirements low is to develop a scalable system that you can use to achieve all the results you want.

Fortunately for you, this article provides a handy guide on how to create the right structure when doing SEO that gets you leads and ultimately sales.

1. Keyword Research: Target Topic Clusters, Not Single Terms

We start with keyword research because it’s a fundamental aspect of SEO strategy, and is used in all applications, whether you’re doing a site rebuild or you’re starting from the scratch.

However, you can’t just use any keywords, which is why it’s important to understand how they work.

The good news is that these days you can use similar keywords on one piece of content, which will obviously save you time and money while enabling you to offer high-quality content.

This is made possible by the fact that modern search engines are smart enough to understand the relationship between similar terms, which then allows you to use adjacent terms like in the following examples:

  • Lawyers Melbourne
  • Best Lawyers in Melbourne
  • Melbourne Solicitors
  • Top Solicitors in Melbourne

If you’re working as a team, then you can use any of the online resources available to find good keywords, or you can put together a brainstorming session with colleagues to round up the best keywords based on customer interaction.

Remember that less is more, and it’s better to come up with a few good keywords than a whole list of useless ones.

Otherwise, your best bet would be to engage with your customers on an on-going basis and listen to what they’re saying and how they describe and communicate with your brand on and offline.

2. Creating Content: From Blogging to Hub & Spoke Content

Quality is a vital element of developing an effective SEO strategy.

But, you still have to stay relevant with your content because it won’t matter how well-written an article is. If your target market isn’t able to relate with it, then it simply won’t work. The best way to organise your content according to relevancy is to create hub pages where similar content is grouped together.

This is a great way to improve your ranking for keywords that are highly competitive because it pairs internal linking with high-quality content that’ll attract clicks and visits to your site.

However, if you really want to stand out from the rest, you have to create content that adds a unique voice to the topic.

3. Content Upgrades: Make It Part of Your Marketing Strategy

As you start publishing more content, you’ll find that there are certain topics that drive traffic to your site, but they don’t necessarily translate into paying customers. This is typically referred to as informational content, and it’s a great lead generation tool.

With this type of content, the focus is usually on:

  • Earning the trust of site visitors.
  • Motivating random visitors to subscribe to your email list.
  • Cultivating lasting relationships with your visitors.

Another very effective conversion tool is to offer site visitors extra collateral based on the most popular blog post themes on your site. This could be anything from a fun checklist to a white paper or even a small e-booklet that will entice visitors into sharing their email address with you.

SEO is the Best Channel for B2B

While SEO marketing is seemingly becoming too cluttered and noisy, there are still methods that you can use as a B2B company to attract fresh clientele.

Basically, you have to follow these easy three steps:

  • Study your target audience very carefully
  • Create unique content that solves your customers’ problems in an effective way
  • Provide additional value in the form of downloadable content in order to generate leads.

The above strategy is still highly effective because it’s thoughtful and considerate. After all, the best way to attract loyal customers is to truly care about their challenges and coming up with creative and effective ways to solve them.