We are halfway there! Previously we talked about the importance of knowing our client’s business, stopping sliding images from wrecking attention span, and adding submission form. Let’s move on the next scene. This is something that’s quite important. Many website owners quite often forget to include this. It looks simple but this can literally make a difference between getting an enquiry and not having one at all for your business. Let’s get started!

Scene 4

Sometimes, business owners forget to add a “call to action” message after writing service descriptions on their website. What is call-to-action or also called CTA? According to Hubspot, CTA is:

An image or line of text that prompts your visitors, leads, and customers to take action. It is, quite literally, a “call” to take an “action.”

For That’s Fencing service pages, we added a small paragraph so visitors landing on the page could take “action” which was to call the business. Did you just think “But there was a submission form added already so why did you have to add this small paragraph?”? The reason was, some people still prefer making a phone call to submitting an online quote form. Additionally, since this CTA message was placed at the bottom, visitors who read the service description until the end, could take action straight away without having to scroll back up to find the phone number. We made the phone number clickable which made it easy for mobile visitors to call That’s Fencing in an instant.

Stay tuned to our next email to find out about Scene 5.

In the meantime, you can call us on 03 9043 4444 or email us at hello@infiniteace.com if you want to discuss about your business goals. We will then let you know if we can help you to achieve those. If yes, we will work out an online growth plan for your business.